Michelle Duggar says she and husband Jim Bob Duggar would consider adopting a child.
Great, you say. Get kids out of orphanages and foster care. Give kids a loving family and home to call their own. No more children lost in the system.
Then you remember: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are already parents to nineteen children. And you remember all the questions, judgments, and accusations surrounding their?fecundity.
From Hollywoodlife.com
And from Twitter, where complex ethical deliberations, moral judgments, and political debate can be condensed to the handy-dandy 140 character size.
Or maybe not.
In any case, I?m on the side of Michelle Duggar on this one.
No, I don?t agree with all the teachings of her faith. I think some of those teachings are bigoted, and that?s me being polite. But disagreement is a problem I have with plenty of religious teachings- teachings which are used to justify everything from assault on women to discrimination against gays to out-and-out war.
But are we going to start dealing out Permission To Procreate cards only to the people who we think should have them based upon our agreement with their beliefs ?- whether that?s ?belief? in a particular God or political philosophy or that family?s dedication to successful economic fortitude or environmental righteousness? Personally, I?m not sure how many Uterus Is GO! cards I could hand over based my perfect approval. Maybe I?d give one to Brangelina. I?d still have to think on that one. ?I have questions about their number of plane flights per year.
And speaking of environmental asceticism, I do question the impact of large families on the overall environment. There?s a heck-a-lot of resources needed to keep a family that size up and running each day. Here?s what Michelle Duggar has to say about over population:
Ehhrrrm. Okay, hold up there, Michelle. I?m on your side here with buying used and repairing instead of replacing, but your opening volley of ?the entire population of the world?could fit in the city limits of Jacksonville,? misses the point of sustainability.
Zero Population advocates recommend a replacement rate of population growth, i.e. number of folks dying equals the number of people born. That?s simplifying, but in developed countries, ?zero population growth? means 2 kids per woman (well?2.1 kids per woman. I always wonder how that .1 kid figures in when calculating half-time soccer snacks.)
In other words, I have three kids. One of them needs to get shipped off to Denmark or Japan where low birth rate is too low?say experts, and the diminishing workforce will have scary negative economic consequences. However, the Duggars recently returned from a trip to China and Japan, so who knows. Maybe one or two of the kids accidentally got left behind. Population redistribution solved.

The Duggars back when there were only 17 kids. Or what they?d look like today with two Duggars helping out the needed population boom in Denmark.
But remember, we?re not talking about Michelle and Jim Bob popping out another bio-kid. We?re talking about the Duggars putting their money where someone else?s mouth is and adopting a child who doesn?t currently have a family home. We?re talking about an established family of loving parents and healthy, seemingly happy kids taking a homeless child under their roof.
Yeah, I know?don?t Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have too many kids already? How can they ever give another kid ?the attention he or she needs with so many other kids demanding love and attention?
It?s hard not to think of my own struggle with New Mommy Guilt, even when I went off to work and the ?babysitter? I was leaving my newborn with was my own husband. I later did a lot of needless psychological and emotional gymnastics to convince myself that leaving my firstborn with an experienced and caring professional childcare expert wasn?t neglect.
With my second child, I wondered where I?d find the time to pay attention to all the needs of another little human.
By my third child, the question had been answered: I?m the parent and no one can replace me. Quality time and quantity time were both important. But seeing my son born into a family of two older, loving siblings who were also capable of teaching and being playmates and guardians was only a good thing. The overall love was multiplied, ?not diminished.
Agree or disagree with Michelle Duggar?s religion or politics or philosophies as you will. It?s hard to deny that a child adopted into that home would be brought into a home filled with a lot of love and caring and good things. Whether the good things outweigh someone?s definition of bad? I?m uncomfortable with making that judgment.
Read More Do You Watch Too Much TLC?
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Source: http://www.mamapop.com/2013/03/the-duggars-are-considering-adoption.html
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