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GREENSBORO ? March is colorectal cancer awareness month and many organizations are using this time to remind adults to get screened.
Doctors say colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in the country.
Tammie Hine has stage four colon cancer and says she's turned to her faith, family and friends for support during treatment.
"It was really hard at first, but then I accepted it and said, 'it is what it is, and I have to fight this,'" said Hine. "And I'm ready for the fight."
Like many, Hine finds refuge in retail therapy. "I think shopping has been my release!" said Hine.
That's why she teamed up with Splurges Boutique to raise money for the cause. The store is donating 10 percent of all full-priced purchases to research. Shoppers will also receive a free gift with a $25 purchase and a reminder to get screened.
"Don't wait, listen to your body and do what you need to do to take care of yourself," said Hine.
Dr. Brian Smith of Piedmont Gastroenterology Specialists says adults should get screened at age 50 and earlier, if it runs in your family.
He says as invasive as many people think the screening is, adults should not let false impressions put them at risk.
"Like anything,medical advancements has made it much easier," said Smith. "Really, it's a painless and easy procedure that can save someone's life."
As for Hine, she says she's glad she can help educate others.
"And I'm glad for the friends and angels that have come into my life," said Hine.
The CDC says if everyone aged 50 or older had regular screenings then at least 60 percent of deaths from colon cancer could be avoided.
To donate to Colon Cancer Research: http://fightcolorectalcancer.org/research/lisa-fund
For more on the promotions that Splurges Boutique is holding to benefit : www.splurgesboutique.com
Additional information on colon screenings or to make an appointment: http://piedmontgispecialists.com/
The 2013 "Get Your Rear in Gear" race is March 23: 'http://www.getyourrearingear.com/events/
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